"Aalmi Tehzeebon Ki Dastan" by Edward McNall Burns, translated into Urdu by Muhammad Arshad Razi, offers a sweeping narrative of world civilizations, tracing their evolution, interactions, and contributions to humanity's...
"Always and Forever, Lara Jean" by Jenny Han is the final installment in the beloved "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" series. The story continues to follow the charming...
Pakistan, situated in South Asia, is a country brimming with diversity, history, and cultural richness. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas in the north to the fertile plains of...
In "Animal Enthusiasms: Life Beyond Cage and Leash in Rural Pakistan" by Muhammad A. Kavesh, the author presents a vivid portrayal of the unique relationship between humans and animals in...
In "Anwar Saheli Ki Kahaniyan," curated by Dastaan-E-Kaleed Damna, a captivating array of narratives unfolds, each a testament to the rich tapestry of human experiences. Spanning various themes and emotions,...
"Being Pakistani: Society, Culture, and the Arts" by Raza Rumi provides an insightful exploration into the multifaceted dimensions of Pakistani society, culture, and artistic expressions. Rumi navigates through the intricate...
Countries of the World: Our World In Pictures by DK offers a captivating journey across the globe through vivid imagery and insightful narratives. With a focus on cultural diversity and...
Mustansar Hussain Tarar's "Cuba Kahani" is a captivating travelogue that delves into the vibrant culture, history, and landscapes of Cuba. Through vivid storytelling and keen observation, Tarar paints a vivid...
"Daman Day Moti," a collection of poetry by Ustad Daman, captures the spirit and essence of Punjabi culture, history, and socio-political commentary. Ustad Daman, known for his wit, sharp satire,...
Jamila Hashmi's "Dashte Soos Husain Bin Mansoor Hilaj" is a profound exploration of identity and spirituality in the context of contemporary Pakistan. Set against the backdrop of societal transformation and...
"Fasana-e-Azad" is a classical Urdu novel written by Pandit Ratan Nath Sarshar and edited by Raees Ahmad Jafri. This literary masterpiece, known for its rich narrative and vivid depiction of...
"Good Wives" by Louisa May Alcott is a timeless classic that delves into the lives of the March sisters as they navigate the trials and triumphs of womanhood during the...
Dive into the rich tapestry of Asia's past with "History Of Asia From Early Times To The Present By B.V. Rao, a comprehensive exploration spanning millennia. From the dawn of...
"Jannat Ki Talash" by Raheem Gul is a profound exploration of human desires, spiritual quests, and the pursuit of paradise. The narrative delves into the complexities of life, reflecting on...
Khak Ki Mehak by Nasir Abbas Nayyar is a profound literary work that delves into the intricacies of human emotions, social dynamics, and personal introspection. The book weaves together intricate...
"Makateeb Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib" by Saba Mirza is a compelling exploration of the letters written by the renowned poet Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib. This book delves into the personal...